Tantric Breath Activation

This is a breath activation of the "Central Pleasure Channel". You can use this breath solo, with a partner or group to raise the energy.

Using your hand begin at the base of the pelvis and slowly raise to the heart as you inhale and "sip" the air. Exhale, bringing the hand from the heart to the base while making an "mmmm" sound. Continue this, following the breath and movement together.

Sending many blessings to you!

Bring all of your fierceness...

Can we hold the polarity

Of our messy,

Animal instincts

Within the confines of society as we know it?

Is it possible that by allowing our animal,

Rewilding our being

We could potentially “save the planet”?

What if everything we’ve tried has come from a place of “I know best”…

When the reality is, the planet can show us the way when we become more WILLING to BE human.

What if our bodies knew the way?

The wisdom in our gut, knew the way?

What if the uncomfortable feelings, the anger and grief, disgust- just under the surface- were there to point to the fact that something is seriously wrong!

Someone is driving this train off a cliff…. And maybe that someone is YOU?

The more we participate in business as usual without speaking and allowing our truths, we are squelching the very life force of this planet that is here to wake us the F up.

Will you heed the call?

Do You dare acknowledge that something ain’t right?

Your being is enough- when you allow it in

Full force.

Step in with ferocity.

Your fierceness will save us all.

Never Ending Hunger

The never ending hunger

For flesh

Cold, bare

On the floor

Babies surround her


To what she has known

Gimmie gimme gimme

More more more

The egos consumption

A hungry look

For what’s next

What can take away 

The pain

The longing

Of life unlived

The burning and aching

Of purpose


Potential squandered

In exchange for the promise

of safety

A prison

Give up your dreams

and I’ll give you mine

The American Dream

of endless hunger

Endless sacrifice

For nothing.

Greed replaces emptiness

Beauty, lost

Trees, dying

Sunsets, missed

Animals, abused

When will our eyes open

To all that we have

When will our illusion cease

When will the separation

Unite us

Will our consumption ever find completeness?


When is the crack big enough?


When you walk down the grocery store aisle


A world connected


Lived for your taste buds

Food transformed

For your pallet

For your addictions

Earth dying at your feet

To Fill-

Your longing

Change From Within

Hello Beloved Web Surfers,

Thank you for taking the time to discover more about me and the work I am doing.

I can tell you that the most important thing I have learned is that when I notice fear, I go for it. I am in this continual process of pushing through my fears it seems. If you knew me as a teenager, you would have seen a girl who lacked confidence, who couldn’t even look you in the eyes because she didn’t feel safe in her body or the world. It has been quite the journey to be able to have the courage and confidence to WELCOME my fear, without it oppressing me. I now get to share the very tools that transformed my life.

I started therapy at a young age, maybe 13. I spent years and years in therapists office going over the details of my story, my struggle, It became so painful to continually see the same story presenting itself in my life and regardless of how much awareness I had around it, I could not seem to change. It wasn’t until I started to get into my body where real transformation started to happen.

The transformation that occurred was effortless, truly. I didn’t have to DO anything. I started to get in touch with the life force energy in my body and suddenly I was in alignment with something bigger than me.

They say change happens from within, and I truly feel this is true. I imagine it as a fire that gets ignited in a block of ice. The ice may look the same for sometime, but the fire is transforming it from the inside out.

This is what happened to me, this is what can happen to you.

With love,
