
Bring all of your fierceness...

Can we hold the polarity

Of our messy,

Animal instincts

Within the confines of society as we know it?

Is it possible that by allowing our animal,

Rewilding our being

We could potentially “save the planet”?

What if everything we’ve tried has come from a place of “I know best”…

When the reality is, the planet can show us the way when we become more WILLING to BE human.

What if our bodies knew the way?

The wisdom in our gut, knew the way?

What if the uncomfortable feelings, the anger and grief, disgust- just under the surface- were there to point to the fact that something is seriously wrong!

Someone is driving this train off a cliff…. And maybe that someone is YOU?

The more we participate in business as usual without speaking and allowing our truths, we are squelching the very life force of this planet that is here to wake us the F up.

Will you heed the call?

Do You dare acknowledge that something ain’t right?

Your being is enough- when you allow it in

Full force.

Step in with ferocity.

Your fierceness will save us all.