Rewilding is a key to your power

The cultural power dynamics we exist in are  dependent on humans who are not  in touch with their deepest being. 

They are dependent on us to doubt ourselves and quickly look to something external  to help us feel better.  They are not invested in our health, our vitality or our critical thinking.  I don't know (nor do I really care) if it is some elaborate ploy to keep us small.  That is irrelevant and a distraction in itself. The point is, the less we trust ourselves, the more we doubt and the more we doubt the more separated we become from our power.

This separation is  hurting us.  Not only is  it hurting us as individuals, but it is hurting  our planet. When we do  not feel worthy or good, we consume more  and distract ourselves from the nagging feeling that something is wrong.  Something is wrong.  Something is very wrong, but it is not you. Our inner being knows that life as we have always lived it, is harming us.  Species are going extinct every day. Humans are dying from hunger and war.  We know this and feel this more deeply than we realize.  And because we were not taught to look within to find what is most accurate or in integrity we continue to play into the delusion we are bad. We take these feelings personally, believing is an accurate representation of who we are rather than realizing a lot of what we feel is part of the web of life we exist in.  Sadly, so many of the most sensitive and empathetic humans (greatly needed in the world) are suffering from addiction, depression, anxiety and crippling self doubt. This  leaves the world and the power in the hands of narcissists and sociopaths. 

This is why I guide sensitive, empathetic people back into their wildness. Wildness is not a  loss of control per se, but a becoming so in touch  with the depths of who we are that we are no longer controlled by the ghosts of our illusions.  We are no longer consumed with fear that we are unliked or not good enough.  We no longer need to hide our shameful humanity.  In  fact, we become so human, so ourselves that we stop tolerating what is not in deepest service to our life. We are liberated from the shackles of belonging and able to live our lives in more authenticity. Note, this is not a separation from care.  In fact, it is the opposite.  It is a deep connection with care. We act because we realize we are intricately connected and needed in this world.  Our care for the world and each other arises from a pulse within us. It is  through  the deep relaxation  of our being- the place where we can find the  spring of life  entering us where  we start to  funnel our energy and attention.  We begin to find our  authentic gifts and  place value on them.  And we ask, how are these gifts best utilized?

We all have gifts for this world. We are all teachers and sharers of the medicine we hold.  It is often things that are overlooked because they have become so common in our own  life. Yet we are wild creatures, each with our own expression. Each here to follow the pulse of  life uniquely. We  must learn how to listen to that which breathes us, beats our hearts and whispers softly from within. That is  our truth. That  is our  value and it is enough.

If you want to know more about how to  live from a wild place, you may schedule a  free 30 minute discovery call or sign up and receive my monthly newsletter for rituals  and wisdom.