Never Ending Hunger

The never ending hunger

For flesh

Cold, bare

On the floor

Babies surround her


To what she has known

Gimmie gimme gimme

More more more

The egos consumption

A hungry look

For what’s next

What can take away 

The pain

The longing

Of life unlived

The burning and aching

Of purpose


Potential squandered

In exchange for the promise

of safety

A prison

Give up your dreams

and I’ll give you mine

The American Dream

of endless hunger

Endless sacrifice

For nothing.

Greed replaces emptiness

Beauty, lost

Trees, dying

Sunsets, missed

Animals, abused

When will our eyes open

To all that we have

When will our illusion cease

When will the separation

Unite us

Will our consumption ever find completeness?


When is the crack big enough?


When you walk down the grocery store aisle


A world connected


Lived for your taste buds

Food transformed

For your pallet

For your addictions

Earth dying at your feet

To Fill-

Your longing